Saturday14 December 2024

How to register pets: the process and reasons for adding your beloved animals to the digital registry.

The first stage of implementing the Unified State Register of Pets has begun in Ukraine. This platform aims to enhance the monitoring of pet health and prevent the spread of diseases.
Регистрация домашних животных: причины и процесс внесения информации в цифровой реестр. Узнайте, зачем это нужно и как правильно оформить данные о питомцах.

When will pet registration begin in Ukraine and what are the consequences of not registering your pet

According to lawyer Konstantin Sklyar from "Winner Partners" law firm, pet registration will commence after the veterinary institutions have been authorized.

"If your pet is not listed in the registry, it may affect your ability to access veterinary services, as the registry establishes a system for monitoring and documenting the health status of animals," the lawyer added.

If your pet is not listed in the registry, it may affect your ability to access veterinary services, as the registry establishes a system for monitoring and documenting the health status of animals.

Indeed, as promised by the State Consumer Service, the registry will eventually be integrated into international databases.

"Animal identification, which is being implemented at the state level, is one of the main methods used worldwide," Lisnevskaya continued.

Юрист рассказал, когда и зачем надо регистрировать домашних животных

The pet registry will be launched in two phases

In the first phase of the nationwide animal database, veterinary clinics and doctors can register by submitting an application to the State Consumer Service. For this, the head of the veterinary institution must complete an application in the registry office. This process is not expected to be complicated, assure the registry creators, and will take less than 30 minutes.

The head of the veterinary institution must complete an application in the registry office.

The State Consumer Service has 10 working days to review the application and either approve or reject it, sending a notification of the outcome to the applicant's email.

After successful authorization, which occurs only through the state interface, the veterinary institution will be ready to begin the registration of pets. This will officially mark the start of the second phase of the launch — the animal registration campaign. Government authorities will announce this launch separately.

Благодаря государственному реестру будут собираться и анализироваться данные о численности домашних животных, состоянии их здоровья и вакцинации.

Thanks to the state registry, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the State Consumer Service will collect and analyze data on the number of pets, their health status, and vaccination records.

"For the first time in the history of independence, the state will obtain real data on the number of pets and will be able to monitor their vaccination status. This information is crucial for effectively reducing the risk of spreading dangerous infections such as rabies," explained Natalia Lisnevskaya.

It should be noted that there is currently no information regarding the liability of owners for providing inaccurate data in the registry or for failing to register their pets. Additionally, there is no information on whether the introduction of the animal registry and the inclusion of data in its database will lead to further taxation of their owners.