Wednesday12 March 2025

Pope Francis announced that the Catholic Church is prepared to adopt a unified date for Easter celebrations shared by all Christians.

During the Saturday evening service marking the end of the 58th Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis stated that the Catholic Church is prepared to adopt a common date for the celebration of Easter, according to the Polska Agencja Prasowa (PAP).
Папа Франциск заявил, что Католическая церковь готова согласовать единую дату празднования Пасхи для всех христиан.

Pope Francis, during the Saturday evening service at the end of the 58th Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, announced that the Catholic Church is ready to adopt a common date for celebrating Easter, reports the Polska Agencja Prasowa (PAP).

The Pontiff noted that this year Easter will be celebrated on the same day according to both the Gregorian and Julian calendars - April 20.

"I reiterate my call for this convergence to serve as an invitation to all Christians to take a decisive step towards unity regarding a common date for Easter," PAP quotes the head of the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis added that the Catholic Church is prepared to "accept the date that everyone desires."